Are you standing on position or relationship?

I think this is a great question and one that really doesn’t take much explaining. The world has a system in place that rewards position, and it is in this system that many work their entire lives to achieve status. In the natural we recognize it as positions that carry levels of leadership and often that coveted corner office. Yet, even position will only take you so far. You may get invited to the CEO’s daughter’s wedding, but not invited back to the house for an intimate post wedding gathering. That time will be for close family, those that are recognized by relationship, not merely position.

I grew up with a strong love of religion because this is all that I knew. I loved Jesus and wanted to please Him, but I never knew if I accomplished this or not. Religion as a young child told me that God was angry with me if I was disobedient according to its rules. Love was based on performance which meant that I was never going to get it completley right. I had position as a Christian, but an uncertainty if I would go to heaven when I died.

When I was born again it all changed for me because now I had more than position. I was invited into relationship. My invitation was my guarantee of acceptance, love, grace, fellowship and most importantly to me, love.

Here is bottom line. If you have relationship you have been invited to the main table. You are not merely in the door because you know your hosts, Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, and they know you! Relationship is your personal invitation to take your seat.

Luke 14:10 But when you are invited, go and sit down (to eat) at the last place, so that when your host comes, he will stay to you, ‘Friend. move up higher;’ and then you will be honored in the presence of all who are at the table with you.

Do you believe that you are about to see the heavens open?

Who will take you deeper and further?