Have you allowed rejection to establish you?

My pastor recently gave a sermon about rejection and it was excellent. While many things witnessed in my spirit, that were spoken, there was one that was particularly significant. When I heard, ‘what stays with you becomes part of you,’ I was on fire.

When something becomes part of us it shapes all our subsequent thinking, as well as our perceptions. We will look at the world through those lenses and not from a fresh perspective. Simply put, we will look for rejection in all the familiar areas of our past.

Strangely enough, we can even look to areas where we have felt that God rejected us, establishing those areas as expectations going forward. Literally we are expecting to see the same pattern emerge. This results in an intentional focus where we are, not only expectant, we are looking for and adopting a dialogue that becomes the driving factor. But we, as heirs of the kingdom, look to Jesus to establish us in all things.

1 Corinthians 1:4-7 I thank my God aways for you because of the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus, so that in everything you were (exceedingly) enriched in Him, in all speech (empowered by the spiritual gifts) and in all knowledge (with insight into the faith). In this way our testimony about Christ was confirmed and established in you, so that you are not laking in any spiritual gift (which comes from the Holy Spirit), as you eagerly wait (with confident trust) for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ (when He returns).

Is yours a supporting role?

Where did the Lord want to take you this week?